Asian elephant (Elephas maximus )

Asian elephant (Elephas maximus )

Rock hyrax (Procavia capensis) image courtesy of FLPA - images of nature

Rock hyrax (Procavia capensis) image courtesy of FLPA - images of nature

how the articles are written

I prefer to choose animals to write about that are not as well known or may be a counter to more charismatic animals that everyone already loves. For instance, everyone knows about elephants (Elephantidae), but not many know about their closest living relatives, the hyrax (Hyracoidea).

Each animal article is researched using a variety of sources: textbooks, peer-reviewed articles and reviews, etc. I try to break down articles into rough sections including taxonomy, life history, habitat, current research and fun facts. Obviously, writing the entirety of a species would be a very daunting task to read and to let alone write. By hitting the highlights and delving deeper into a few traits or topic related to the species it allows for an adequate introduction and overview of who the animal is.

I try to write at an accessible reading level. Usually between eighth grade and eleventh grade reading levels so the information can be accessible to most people. With that said, some scientific concepts and words are above this range, so I do my best to explain them in laymen terms and utilize visual aids when available.

Each article comes with references and citations used while researching the article. Regularly used resources are also listed on the “Resource” page.